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About Me

I was once passionate about a career in theater. When I ruptured a disc onstage one night, at the age of 28, I started down a new path. Thankfully, skilled and compassionate people taught me to listen to my own body and this helped me heal. After two years — without surgery — I was back, ready to live my life. Then my father and both my mother's parents suddenly passed away, and my path changed again. I began studying massage therapy and became licensed in Oregon in 2001. By 2005, I was living and working in Seattle, and by 2008 I was the sole proprietor of Fabulous Massage Seattle. In 2020, my practice evolved into Healing Path Craniosacral. Who I am and what I do makes a difference. With each new path, I do my best to live this truth.

About Healing Path Craniosacral 

My 20 years of experience have led me to Craniosacral therapy, but I draw on a wealth of complementary techniques. To address your unique issues and bring forth your deepest healing, I intuitively combine Craniosacral with integrative massage, using whatever methods come forth. I listen to what you tell me and observe how your body moves; your whole being guides your treatment.   


The integrative massage techniques I use to supplement your Craniosacral session may include:​

  • Intraoral techniques, for treatment of TMJD and headaches (including migraines)

  • Pregnancy massage, using a bodyCushion™

  • Fascial unwinding

  • Trigger point

  • Swedish massage


Craniosacral Therapy is energy work. It works because of intention
and because of focus

What is Craniosacral Therapy? At its heart, Craniosacral Therapy is energy work; it is a path to healing.


My teacher Ursula Popp described it as both a precise, exact form of therapy and a surprising, magical form of healing. This energy work involves a hands-on investigation of movement patterns of the Craniosacral system (cerebrospinal fluid, membranes, and bones of the cranium, jaw, spine, and sacrum).


In the words of one client, "Craniosacral treatment is like doing 8 hours of meditation."


I'm very thankful for the contributions these partners have made to my practice.

Kellie Pecoraro took beautiful photos of me and my studio for this website and was really fun to work with. Highly recommended!


Becky Dobbins Design put this website together. She also does gardens!


Sun and Moon Medicine provides personal, holistic healthcare built on thousands of years of wisdom.


Ohm Bodywork. Enjoy the experience of Ashiatsu massage.


I'm eternally grateful for the support these special people have given me in my life. 


I dedicate my work, with immense gratitude, to my mother, M. Lorraine (Tifft) Ashland. She was practical, resilient, incisive, and had an artist's ability to express her love through light, form, and texture. Her work hangs proudly on my walls. Nonetheless, her gift of will and capacity for wonder are the most treasured legacies. She best knows what I gave her. But it was always LOVE.


Jeffrey Dawkins — beloved friend,  musician, producer, and web developer — built my first website. This was the push my business needed to grow, and I'm so thankful he convinced me to take the leap.



A big thank you to Esther Giffen, LMT, whose fabulous massages healed and inspired me. With every deep breath, I think of you.

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